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If you are an individual, MAGMA THEATER offers the same services as for schools or businesses, find all the services below:

Teaching of theater practice:


Goals :

  • Public speaking

  • Managing stress at work

  • Overcoming shyness in class and in life or at work

  • Example scenario for exams, job interviews, customer relations for professional or business training

  • Approach to a classic text on the program

  • Learn a foreign language through theatrical practice (our speakers are bilingual in English, as well as in Italian without forgetting French of course)

Teaching reading aloud:

Objective : Preparation for Reading Competitions, University reading, presentation, exams

What it consists of:Learn to position your voice, use punctuation, intonation, breathing, to be able to read properly even on a first reading. 

How much does it cost :

Setting up a quote with the individual

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